Maui Events

Denise LaBarre, LMT

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Denise LaBarre, LMT
Healing Catalyst
Makawao, HI 96768
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Healing Catalyst, Denise LaBarre

Healing Catalyst, Denise LaBarre has a Private Practice on Maui in Makawao. A private session runs 90 minutes. Please call 808-575-2244 for an appointment.

For those interested in going beyond a standard massage into integrated healing, customized private sessions catalyze the reconnection of your body, mind, and emotion through breath and awareness.

My work combines massage therapy, psychotherapy, and traditional healing practices to get to the root of any physical/emotional issue. I first talk to my client about how and where s/he is stuck. The treatment initially begins like a traditional massage with the client on a massage table, between sheets. I touch the body and listen, body whisperer style. Depending on what the client has told me and what I feel, the session goes where it will. I use many different techniques - among them NLP, Gestalt, rebirthing etc - all directed by our conversation, what the body is telling me, plus my guidance and intuition. Every session is unique. Always the intention is for conscious awareness of issues; resolution; greater energetic flow; and integration of all aspects of self for complete and lasting healing. Often it's simply a matter of reassuring and relaxing your mind so that it gets out of the way for your body to heal itself.

Over the decades I've been doing bodywork, I found I say the same things to people over and over - things we have forgotten in our modern rush through life. We've learned to live in our heads, largely detached from our bodies and the information they give us about how to be wonderfully healthy. We go to doctors to ask questions about what's ailing us yet the answers are already there, in our tissues, if we but remember how to hear them. My goal with my book (and in private session work and workshops) is to help people make those connections in their own bodies, heal, and feel better!

You can get many of the benefits of an intuitive bodywork session - anywhere - by reading my book, Issues in Your Tissues: Heal Body and Emotion from the Inside Out. You can use the tools I give you in conjunction with bodywork or use them entirely on your own. When you are ready, come have a private session. Most people get the healing reconnection they are looking for in 1-3 sessions. Discount package available. I also travel for lectures/workshops/private work.

For more information, Denise's bio, articles, etc. go to

Client Feedback:

Denise is a Vessel of Light and Love

"Divine intervention led me to Denise, who is truly a healing catalyst and a divine empath. I never knew such angels existed and certainly never expected to encounter such a powerhouse in the middle of paradise! This is not your standard massage - I felt completely energized from head to toe. At one point during my session, the light running through me was so bright that I had to check to see if the eye pillow was still covering my eyes. With my eyes closed and completely covered, enhanced by Denise's special talent, I "saw" only pure light. Denise, thank you for being the vessel for so many blessings through our session together! Thank you Denise for allowing me a glimpse of what it feels like to experience heaven on earth!"

~ Jeannette P, B.S.E/M.S.E and Yoga Instructor, So Cal

My time with her was miraculous and life-changing. My heart is so happy.

I have never met anyone that I believed in what they were doing as much as I believe in her and her work. I do not say that lightly. Its like the flood gates have been open. I thank God for Denise.

My time with her was miraculous and life-changing. My heart is so happy. Every day I have new insights. When I left Alaska to come to Maui for my sessions, I weighed 178-180. Today I weighed 162 lbs. That seems like a lot of weight to loose in 2 weeks but I realized that was emotional weight. The shift happened when I released my anger and fear during my second session. I know it because not only did I feel stronger and powerful, but I felt lighter. The burden was lifted. It was like my fat was storing it. Now that it can, my body is quickly letting it go.

I continue not to need sleep meds. I know that by the end of this summer my body will be back to where it was before my knee injury, but even stronger because I am now whole again.

I love all of this so much that I can hardly contain myself. I love that I met you and love being a healing catalyst. It is all so right.

~ Sue V, RN, Anchorage AK

What I Liked Best:

"...The change within my body. Feeling more relaxed and forgiving myself. I love the idea of breathing in daily transitions!"

"...Your loving connections with each of us."

"...Learning from others in the class."

"...How you helped everyone to feel comfortable and safe to open up."

"...Small group activities."

"...Your enthusiasm, Denise!"

"...Your ability to relate your knowledge to us."

"...Getting comfortable with a hands-on experience."

Denise LaBarre, Healing Catalyst
Book: Issues in your Tissues by Denise LaBarre
Denise in front of Buddha statue
Workshop with Denise LaBarre