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Jody Mountain, LMT

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Jody Mountain, LMT
Lineage of Light
North Shore Chiropractic & Massage
16 Baldwin Ave, 2nd Floor
Paia, HI 96779

Jody Mountain, LMT, Teacher of Ancient Lomi Lomi

Jody Mountain is a dancer, choreographer, and teacher with 25 years experience in various forms of movement dynamics and healing modalities. Since 1989, she has been studying, practicing, and teaching the art of Ancient Lomi Lomi and its foundations in Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom. Jody has studied with Kahu Abraham Kawa'i, Aua'ia, Maka'i'ole, Uliama and brings forward the teaching of this lineage. Jody also practices and facilitates Core & Cellular Healing - a modern form of Ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono. She is a licensed massage therapist and teacher in the state of Hawai'i, and has dedicated her life to sharing the depth and vibrancy of this profound work with others as a vehicle for awakened consciousness.

In addition to her ongoing work on Maui, Jody has taken this Life-Changing work to Japan, Canada, the USA mainland, Spain, Switzerland, and Ireland, and continues to offer Trainings, Retreats, and Private Sessions.

Private Sessions of Therapeutic Bodywork:

Wednesdays & Sundays at North Shore Chiropractic & Massage
• 16 Baldwin Avenue • Pa'ia

Private Sessions of Ancient Lomi Lomi:

By Appointment in Pa'ia or Ha'iku. Visit Private Sessions on the website for details.

Retreats & Trainings in Ancient Lomi Lomi:

Upcoming: 10-Day Retreat Journey • November 9-18, 2018 on Maui

Client Feedback:

"I have to say that the unfoldings since the workshop have been phenomenal. I wanted to say to you how beautiful I think the work you do is and what a wonderful mentor and guide you are. I was inspired and uplifted. It is the transformation which my soul called for. So I am so thankful and grateful to you and Kahu and the paradigm of Ancient Lomi Lomi. Using these tools, my own healing work seems so much more powerful and the experience for my clients is more on point. So overall, I feel it was a missing piece to my puzzle and I just wanted to put it in writing and thank you."
— Maeve Kelly, Ireland (Healing Therapist, Intuitive)

"I don't know how to put it into words, what you have done for me. Something burst inside and it was full of light. I broke through years and years of holding in some way. Now every day is just more joy than the last. How can I thank you enough. It will be my pleasure to do work with you again, Jody. I hope that is soon."
— W. Sakreida, (Administrator) Japan

It's been two years since I took my first Ancient Lomi Lomi with Jody and my life has opened up dramatically. I now see how yoga and Ancient Lomi Lomi fit perfectly together to enhance each in a practical hands-on way. I have experienced an expansion that defies explanation. This course has given me a new avenue to create healing for myself, others, and the planet. There is nothing more important we can do for ourselves. It has answered the calling of my soul and has brought purpose and direction to my life in so many ways... like a springboard to dive into the vastness of the unknown. Ancient Lomi Lomi has allowed me to bridge the great potential from the conscious mind to the subconscious, awakening the wisdom in every cell of my physical body. Yoga does this as well but Ancient Lomi Lomi gives us the vehicle, not just any vehicle, a direct, fast, and highly efficient connection to the laws of knowledge and creation. It has forever enriched my life. Much gratitude to Jody for facilitating and opening the doors to this ancient wisdom!
— Shelley Paul, (Yoga Instructor) Toronto, Canada

Jody Mountain doing Lomi Lomi massage
Jody Mountain, LMT